Cleaner and tidier dog areas

19/02/2023 - 10:11 h

A new contract to maintain, conserve and improve dog recreation areas in the city. The two-year contract entails a budget of 714,808,49 euros and includes preventive and corrective maintenance for each area, gardening and any other urgent work needed.

The cleaning service for these areas is being strengthened. This work is carried out by workers who look after the city’s green spaces. Dog areas are to be cleaned once or twice a day, and the service includes emptying bins.

To avoid bad smells and dust, new dog areas in the city feature a watering system and all existing dog areas are disinfected at night with a wholly innocuous product that includes bactericides, fungicides and viricides.

Barcelona currently has 116 dog areas: 46 dog recreation areas (of over 400 square metres), and 70 dog areas (of less that 400 square metres). Recent years have seen various large recreation areas created, with furniture and water springs, ensuring there is at least one in each district.

The comprehensive maintenance of these spaces also includes gardening and the repair of furniture (benches, litter bins and signage). In this respect, there will be two visual inspections a week at each space to identify any necessary tasks.

The new maintenance contract boosts the follow-up of work carried out and sets out a series of tasks such as the monthly disinfection of dog recreation areas through the application of plant-protection products, pruning and annual trimming of trees, bushes, hedges etc.