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Discount on the waste collection tax for users of the door-to-door service

08/10/2021 - 13:12 h

As from 2022, users of the individual waste collection service who dispose of organic waste at least forty times a year will be entitled to a 20% discount in the waste collection tax. The measure will start being applied in the neighbourhood of Sant Andreu de Palomar.

The measure comes in addition to those already in place for the use of green points by users on the door-to-door scheme, ranging from a 1% discount on this tax for two contributions per year through to 14% for those who dispose of waste at green points on 15 occasions or more.

To benefit from the reduction for the use of green points, users should hold a metropolitan waste disposal card, which can be requested free of charge on the website.

Selective waste collection on the rise

Door-to-door waste collection has allowed for a substantial increase in selective waste collection in Sant Andreu de Palomar, reaching 79.5%, in line with or even above the goals set by the EU, which establish objectives of 55% by 2025, 60% by 2030 and 65% by 2035.

The average percentage of waste currently recycled in the city as a whole remains stable at 38%. Each citizen generates 493 kg of waste, 308 of which are disposed of as rubbish.

Improvements have also been agreed and will be applied to the door-to-door collection system between now and January. These include quieter gas lorries, deposits with electronic keys for sanitary textiles and smart containers and deposits for organic waste.

The discount to the waste collection tax will go before the Full Council in its October meeting as part of the tax by-laws to be approved for the year to come.