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Parc Central de la Marina del Prat Vermell to get a solar pergola

16/08/2023 - 12:25 h

Work is now under way to install a solar pergola at the junction between the streets of Cal Cisó and Tortosa. The structure will have 190 square metres of solar panelling and an annual power output equivalent to the electricity used by 13 homes, plus a saving of 11,088 kg of CO2 in greenhouse-gas emissions. The pergola should be completed at the end of the year.

Shade and energy combine in this pergola in the Parc Central de la Marina del Prat Vermell, the green lung currently being developed in this neighbourhood in Sants-Montjuïc. The installation will act as a rest area providing shade for members of the public, integrated into the park with new greenery and trees.

At the same time, the structure will provide power thanks to different sections of solar panelling producing 30,8000 kW/year, equivalent to the energy consumption of 13 homes. This will save 11,800 kg of CO2 in greenhouse-gas emissions.

The energy produced will be used for self-consumption through the network of municipal consumers in the vicinity. Eight vertical light projectors will also be installed in the pergola’s metal structure.

With a budget of 418,500 euros, the pergola should be completed at the end of this year and will be an important element in the future Parc de les Tretze Roses, the name chosen by local people for the park in a vote.