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Final flats from the project to remodel Bon Pastor awarded

01/07/2023 - 10:46 h

The final flats have now been awarded from the remodelling project to transform the area of low-budget houses known as the ‘Cases Barates’ in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood. The last families still living in these homes, built a hundred years ago, were rehoused at the start of the year in various new buildings. The 163 homes left over from this process have now been awarded.

Twenty of the flats have been awarded to families who proved they have lived in the area of the Cases Barates all their lives or in homes for those to be rehoused, and that they were on the waiting list for officially protected housing.

The rest of the flats were awarded in a draw among 593 families in the neighbourhood who have also been on the same waiting list for at least six months. The criteria for awarding the flats were agreed with local residents’ associations in the neighbourhood.

Finally, the following were also awarded: 3 adapted homes for people with disabilities, 14 for single-parent families, 42 for young people under the age of 35 and 8 for people with disabilities who do not need adapted homes. The other 76 flats were awarded to other local residents.

Remodelling project

The rehousing of the final families at the start of the year culminated a process which began over twenty years ago, to provide decent housing for families who lived in the Cases Barates.

Only one of the five stages in the remodelling process for these homes in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood is still to be completed. The final stage involves the construction of four new buildings, which will be used to boost the city’s municipal public housing stock.

Two groups of 16 of the old houses will be kept, conserving the physical character of the street. One group has already been inaugurated as a MUHBA museum site, while the use of the second group is still to be defined.