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Five urban innovation projects win the third edition of “The Proactive City”

12/12/2022 - 20:59 h

Innovative and diverse solutions which make a difference in tackling urban challenges. This is the goal of the winning projects of the third edition of the call “The Proactive City. Innovation with Impact”, launched by BIT Hàbitat. The winning initiatives will share half a million euros, which will be used to fund up to 80% of each one.

The five winning projects have budgets of between 50,000 and 150,000 euros and offer solutions to tackle the challenges of the energy transition, the climate emergency, urban transformation, housing and social cohesion.  The trend from the two previous editions continues, with projects by consortiums of various organisations, with a cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary perspective.

The projects are:

Besides financial support, BIT Habitat  will give each project technical assistance, mentoring from experts and help with access to technology to be able to develop prototypes. The agency will also help the initiatives with support for communication and dissemination.

A total of 17 initiatives developed in the context of  “The Proactive City” are currently under way in the city and will be joined by this year’s five winners. That makes 22 innovation projects since 2020 thanks to this subsidy call.