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Montjuïc trade fair site reconceived by and for local people

31/03/2023 - 12:49 h

The Full Council has provisionally approved the planning proposal for the trade fair site in Montjuïc, half of which will be used for public housing and facilities, green zones and places to stroll in. The historical buildings on the site will be renovated to give them new public uses. The new planning proposal responds to demands from local people, through input gathered in a participatory process. The transformation should be completed during the centenary year of the site in 2029.

While 100% of the space is currently used for trade fair activity, the project proposes reducing this to 48% and devoting the rest of the space for community uses. The new distribution envisages 500 public homes and facilities such as a new primary healthcare centre, a centre providing assistance for the elderly and people with functional diversity, a library, a community space, a sports hall and the extension to the MNAC.

The proposal also enlarges green spaces and pedestrian areas to improve environmental conditions, enabling users to stroll there and engage in everyday activity. Mobility is another aspect set to change. A main thoroughfare will connect the neighbourhoods of Poble-sec and La Font de la Guatlla and Av. Paral·lel with Montjuïc.

The project also looks to improve mobility, giving the streets of Lleida and Mèxic one-way traffic systems and turning Av. Reina Maria Cristina into a central axis for people and public transport.

Boost for trade fair activity

Regarding economic activity, the ground floor premises of the housing blocks will be used for new local commercial establishments. Fira Barcelona’s own activity will be better integrated into the urban layout and focus on small and medium-scale events. The site will have six exhibition spaces and areas devoted to enterprise, innovation and knowledge transfer in sectors linked to the institution’s main congresses.