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How do we need to act in the face of adverse weather phenomena?

01/09/2022 - 15:26 h

The latest rainstorm and severe winds in the city saw Barcelona’s Fire Brigade carrying out 161 responses, to remove trees and other elements at risk of falling above all and to drain accumulated water. Let’s keep in mind their advice for prevention and self-protection in such situations.

It important you keep up to date with the weather forecasts and follow the instructions given by the local authorities.

In the event of heavy rain, storms or floods, you must:

  • Keep all piping on roofs, storm drains on terraces and in galleries and drain pipes thoroughly clean, to prevent any clogging that may obstruct the passage of water into the sewerage system.
  • Regularly check the state of lightning conductors, if there are any.
  • Keep toxic products out of the reach of water to prevent contamination.
  • Keep important documents in a place where they cannot be damaged.
  • If there is a yard or garden, remove any furniture or items from outside that may be carried away by the water.
  • If you have any animals tied up outside, untie them and bring them inside.
  • Have useful tools at hand, such as a transistor, torch, mobile phone, essential medicines, warm clothes and personal documents.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances and antennas.
  • Stay tuned to your local radio station for information.

In the event of strong winds, we recommend you:

At home:

  • Close and secure doors, windows and shutters.
    Take down awnings.
  • Remove flowerpots and other items from windows and balconies that might fall into the street and cause an accident.
  • Check fixed elements (antennas, air-conditioning apparatuses, skylights etc.).
  • Think about the vehicles that are parked in the street (cars, motorbikes), which can be damaged by falling trees, urban furniture etc. Motorbikes can be pushed over by the wind.


  • Avoid going out into the street.
  • If you must go out into the street you are advised to stay clear of cornices, walls and trees – as these can collapse – and take great care when you are nearby buildings under construction (scaffolding, cranes) or in poor condition.
  • Take great care when carrying out outdoor activities (school playgrounds, sports, etc.,) especially with mountain activities and/or in areas with trees.

Check for further advice from Barcelona’s Fire Brigade for adverse weather conditions and natural risks.