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Improvements around more than 3,000 m2 of bus lanes in the city

22/10/2021 - 13:32 h

Work starts in Av. Diagonal on Monday and will continue next month in Pg. Sant Joan and the streets of Roselló and Mallorca. More projects will be carried out in Av. Diagonal, Gran Via and C/ Sepúlveda as from January. The work will address sections which have had more wear and tear due to increased use and more frequent bus services, improving surfaces and user comfort, service speeds and safety.

Recent years have brought various changes to the city’s s network, with the implementation of the new bus system, the reorganisation of the conventional network and the introduction of on-demand buses, providing a boost and further development of this means of public transport.

This increase and the improvement to the service have led to some bus lanes becoming deteriorated through more frequent buses, the addition of new routes and the circulation of large-volume vehicles.

In response, and with the goal of improving the service, the commercial speed of buses and road safety, the City Council is starting a series of works to repair sections of various city bus lanes and eliminate any sort of risk to circulation.

The work to be executed includes demolitions, resurfacing work, vertical signage and bollards, with an overall budget of 1.1 million euros (VAT included).

The first points where work will be carried out are:

  • The inbound side lane of Av. Diagonal between the streets of Numància and Entença (130 metres long): work starts on Monday, 25 October, and will continue until 3 December. The project means occupying the section of the bus laned affected and a second lane of traffic, leaving one lane operative. The work means a bus stop will have to be relocated.
  • Carrer de Mallorca, between the streets of Padilla and Lepant (100 metres long): work will be carried out from 8 November to 5 December. The project will affect the section of the bus lane in question and require the current bike lane between the streets of Cartagena and Lepant to become inoperative. Two traffic lanes will be in open.
  • Passeig de Sant Joan, between the streets of Rosselló and Còrsega (uphill, section 130 metres long): work will be carried out from 2 to 26 November. The project means closing this point to traffic, which will be diverted into the streets of Rosselló, Roger de Flor and Còrsega. During this time, the bike lane will remain operative, except for some occasional days.
  • Carrer del Rosselló, between the streets of Bruc and Girona (130 metres long): work will be carried out from 27 November to 27 December. The project will affect the bus lane section in question and a second lane, with two traffic lanes remaining open.

Work in 2022

Repairs and improvement work will continue as from January 2022 in the central section of Av. Diagonal (outbound), between Pl. Francesc Macià and C/ Numànica (section 740 metres long).

Work will also be carried out in Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, between Pg. Gràcia and C/ Pau Claris (130 metres long) and in C/ Sepúlveda, between the streets of Muntaner and Casanova (130 metres long).

In all, work will be carried out on nearly 1,490 linear metres of road surface, meaning the renewal of an area of 3,099 m2.

Improvements applied around the city’s bus lanes

This new work comes off the back of a strong push to improve the city’s bus lanes in 2020 and enhance the service for users.

More information on work executed in 2020.