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Job-creation subsidies, with ‘Crea feina, Barcelona!’

13/10/2020 - 13:29 h

The new job-creation programme ‘Crea feina, Barcelona!’ has a budget of 1.5 million euros and will provide subsidies of 5,000 euros for companies to contract unemployed people officially residing in Barcelona. The work contracts must be for full-time hours and a minimum of six months (or permanent). Companies must have at least one centre in the Barcelona metropolitan area, where the contracted person will carry out their work.

The goal is to provide subsidies for 300 people to get work contracts with companies able to generate jobs and which are not affected by temporary lay-offs.

Interested organisations have from 15 October to 11 November to apply for subsidies via the website barcelonactiva.cat/creafeina, up to a maximum of ten new contracts per company.

The programme ‘Crea feina, Barcelona!’ is one of the measures being promoted by the Economic Response Coordination Centre (CECORE) to tackle the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The measure is designed to help with the economic recovery and the resumption of the issue of new work contracts in the city. It comes in addition to other measures such as the Bcrèdits micro loans and the Rethinking strategic plans.

All the measures to reactivate the city’s economy can be found in the practical guide to services, ‘Barcelona Never Stops’.