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Minimum public transport services in operation on the day of the strike, Monday 8 March

05/03/2021 - 13:54 h

The various public transport operators in the city of Barcelona (Metro, FGC, local trains, tram, urban, intercity and metropolitan bus services) will operate 85% of services on the day of the strike, Monday 8 March, International Women’s Day.

The Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Families has established the minimum level of service which must be provided on the day of the general strike called for Monday 8 March, International Women’s Day.

So, the minimum public transport service levels offered are as follows:

It should be taken into account that surface level transport may face disruption and be subject to diversions due to the gatherings and demonstrations taking place.

In comparison with previous occasions, it should be noted that the minimum service levels are higher, due to the health crisis we are currently experiencing.

On the one hand, it is considered essential that the normal operation of essential services like public transport is guaranteed, but it is also being carried out as a measure to help reduce the spread of Covid-19, to avoid overcrowding in busy areas and spaces.

All public transport operators will provide up-to-date information on their services through their usual information channels.