More progress with dog-friendly areas

14/12/2022 - 16:24 h

Public spaces where uses are shared with dogs, known as ZUC areas, are to become operative at the end of 2023. There will be 103 such areas, which come in addition to the 116 existing spaces for the exclusive use of dogs. Some 95% of city residents will have one of these areas within a ten-minute walk of their home.

A campaign gets under way in January with information staff on the streets, with the regulation to gain final approval in March and start being applied at the end of 2023.

What are ZUCs ?

These areas are basically places where owners can let their dogs off the lead during certain hours in the morning and the afternoon. They will be located in streets, squares, parks and other public spaces.

There will be 103 in all, with at least one in each of the city’s 73 neighbourhoods.

219 dog areas

Estimates put the number of dogs living in the city at 180,000. With the introduction of the ZUC areas, the number of dog-friendly spaces will rise to 219.

  • 70 dog areas: up to 400 m2
  • 46 dog recreation areas: half of them with over 700 m2
  • 103 areas shared with dogs
  • Dog beach