More recharging points for electric vehicles

05/08/2020 - 10:12 h

The public recharging network Endolla Barcelona has added seven new charging points to the 500 currently providing service for electric vehicles. The new points are the latest addition to a service introduced in 2018 to promote sustainable electric mobility in the city and guarantee coverage in all areas. The service now has more than 5,000 users.

The 500 recharging points have the most standard connectors on the market. They are located in car parks belonging to the BSM network, where there are 367 (194 for cars and 173 for mopeds), and in public roads, with 133 (23 for cars and 110 specific points for mopeds).

Where are the new points?

The seven new points mean there are now 23 quick-charging points, enabling vehicles to recharge 80% of their battery power in just 30 minutes. They can be found at:

  • Passeig de Picasso, 8
  • Via Augusta, 352
  • Plaça d’Alfonso Comín
  • Carrer del Mas Casanovas, 69 (2 points)
  • Carrer d’Europa,12
  • Carrer de John M. Keynes, 2-10

Serving citizens

The service kept running during the state of emergency, despite an 80% drop in recharging, to guarantee the needs of fleets of delivery vehicles in the city and taxis.

The trend picked up again as from May, with a total of 3,300 charges, followed by 6,394 in June.

Participation in eCharge 4 Drivers

Endolla Barcelona became part of the European project eCharge 4 Drivers in June, an initiative aimed at improving the electric mobility experience and cutting recharging times with the implementation of innovative measures.

Work is being carried out on the following as part of this project:

  • New battery exchange service for mopeds in the BSM car park network.
  • Improvements to the Smou app, with a route planner which takes into account recharging points and the anticipated reservation service for them.
  • Plug&Charge, a system being trialled which automatically identifies users when they plug their vehicles into the quick-charge network.
  • New pricing structures and incentives for individuals and fleets of vehicles.