Green light for the new Barcelona Pet Shelter

19/09/2023 - 17:58 h

The Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Mobility and Housing has given definitive approval to the project to move the shelter into a space of 25,750 square metres in Montcada i Reixac, providing better care for animals and improved conditions for staff. Work will begin at the end of the year and continue until 2025.

The site of 2.6 hectares includes buildings, garden areas and recreational spaces for the animals, in a complex which fits in with the natural surroundings.

Besides areas for administration, members of the public, adoptions, staff, veterinary activity and hospitalisation, there will be 219 cages of between 8 and 12 square metres, plus various cat quarters, with a capacity for 350 dogs and 150 cats.

Awareness and the promotion of adoption

The new Barcelona Pet Shelter (CAACB) will take in lost, abandoned or confiscated animals in Barcelona and Montcada i Reixac.

In addition, the facility will carry out research into animal welfare, the promotion of adoption and responsible ownership, through work with schools etc.

Example of metropolitan institutional collaboration

The new Barcelona Pet Shelter is an example of metropolitan institutional collaboration to develop facilities, preserve protected natural spaces and improve living conditions for local people in adjacent neighbourhoods.

Having gained approval at the commission stage, the project will now continue to make its way through the administrative process, with work expected to get under way in the November and take two years.