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New facility for the city police to provide better service at the beach

06/08/2020 - 15:11 h

The Beach Group operated by the City Police moved into a new facility at the groyne at the Bogatell beach this week. The module provides the group with its own space of 60 square metres and means they will no longer be sharing with Cicle de l’Aigua as they have done in recent years. The module at the Barceloneta beach has also been renovated. The Beach Group was set up nine years ago to provide safety and security at the beaches and has adapted to the exceptional measures for the summer this year.

Since the group started operating on 22 June, officers belonging to the unit have:

  • formally reported 3,843 cases relating to unauthorised vending
  • confiscated 30,506 products: some 28,645 cans of drink and 644 textile products
  • made 14 arrests
  • investigated a further 46 people in relation to crimes such as petty theft, theft with violence and intimidation, theft from parked vehicles etc.
  • formally reported 499 infringements by personal mobility vehicles
  • formally reported 44 cases of non-authorised activities and services (massages)
  • formally reported 12 cases of people not wearing face masks outside areas where they are not obligatory

Activity by sea patrols:

  • provided assistance at sea and by the groynes in 19 cases and moved 2,460 people away from the groynes
  • formally reported 45 cases of people not respecting bathing instructions, mostly for bathing by the groynes or in other areas where signage indicates that it is prohibited or that access is restricted

Access to beaches and occupancy levels are also being controlled to ensure health and safety measures with the goal of preserving people’s health. When the maximum capacity is almost reached, access is partially or completely closed to be able to guarantee physical distancing. When this occurs, attention is also given to the public space adjacent to the beaches to avoid clusters of people forming. The police also control the use of face masks.

Police officers with the Beach Group carry out patrols on foot, with scooters, four-wheeled vehicles, bikes, quads and two semi-rigid boats. The unit will remain operative until the end of September.