New interpretation trail at Barcelona Zoo

12/03/2022 - 10:38 h

A new interpretation trail is now open at the Sahel Discovery Centre at Barcelona Zoo, offering visitors an exciting experience that gives them a better understanding of the bioregion of the Sahel savannah. The path around this section of the zoo has been conceived as a route from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Setting out from Senegal and ending up in Eritrea, it goes through six other countries and features various signs which help visitors experience the trail as an authentic journey.

The general goal is to generate a positive impact for the fauna, natural habitats and traditional lifestyles in this bioregion. To this end, the trail includes the following elements:

  • A large entrance arch, inviting people to discover the space and offering basic visual information on this bioregion, along with a second arch at the other end of the trail.
  • Two information stands around the circuit, explaining the habitat and the species that live there.
  • Two educational signs at the installation for each species, one aimed at children and the other at adults.
  • A sign at the end of the path, seeking to get people involved in conservation and issuing a call to action.
  • Two sets of paintings on the ground: these offer geographical information and help create the sensation of a continental journey, with the waves reaching the sand to represent the Atlantic and the Red Sea at the two arches, and strips with the name of each country as visitors make their way across the Sahel.

These elements form part of the first stage of this interpretation trail, with the rest to be completed early in 2023.

In line with its new model, Barcelona Zoo is rolling out a comprehensive communication strategy allowing the visit to become a complete experience, not just limited to the observation of a set of enclosures with animals. This strategy is based on four pillars: effective transmission of information (stimulating visitor interest), conservation (all spaces must be linked to a conservation goal), action (with the purpose of giving visitors hope and the tools to resolve the issues explained) and excitement (the whole zoo experience must be exciting and generate empathy).