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New subsidies for protecting and improving landscape and heritage

26/04/2022 - 14:33 h

Two subsidy calls are open, one for work of heritage value and the renovation of iconic commercial establishments, and the other for the renovation of party walls, green rooftops and greening projects. The application period will run until 15 November. The overall amount of funding available is 3.2 million euros, a higher figure than previous years.

Work of heritage value and renovation of commercial establishments

This line of subsidies, worth 1,6 million euros over two years, is intended for privately owned buildings over ten years old and currently in use. Property developments are excluded, with the call including work of heritage or aggregate value, work on iconic commercial establishments and unlisted local historical premises, as well as the outside of commercial premises.

Party walls, green rooftops and greening projects

The subsidy call for party walls, green rooftops and greening projects is also worth 1.6 million euros over two years. The call is intended for party walls which are visible from public space or collective spaces, and where architectural integration and thermal insulation is essential. Various levels of action are envisaged, with the subsidy varying accordingly: integration, insulation, openings, solar panelling and greenery.

For green rooftops and greening projects, subsidies are aimed at projects to implement new green rooftops, renovate existing ones or implement urban cultivation on rooftops. They will also be available for greening up solid walls and partitions and making them permeable, for turning garden screens and spaces free of buildings into more permeable spaces and eliminating fibre cement.

Both calls form part of the government measure “Barcelona, Heritage City”, to protect the city’s historical, popular and environmental heritage, and have the goal of giving importance to the urban landscape, promoting respect for it and protecting its community value, its identity and its cultural, heritage and historical worth.

Full information on these subsidies is available on the website http://barcelona.cat/ajuts-millora-paisatge.