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New winter timetable for Obrim Carrers (Open Streets) this weekend

03/10/2023 - 12:24 h

Obrim Carrers moves its timetable forward an hour to adapt to daylight hours and public uses. This initiative will be in place every Saturday and Sunday, from 9 am to 8 pm, from this weekend of 7 and 8 October to the end of April 2024.

The days are gradually getting shorter, with fewer daylight hours. Because of this, the Obrim Carrers timetable changes every October and moves forward an hour to enable people to enjoy streets free of traffic during daylight hours: as from this weekend, 7 and 8 October, the streets in question will be pedestrian-only from 9 am to 8 pm. This timetable will remain in place until the last weekend in April.

Which streets are we opening up to the public?

  • C/ Creu Coberta – C/ Sants (between Pl.Espanya and C/ Munné).
  • C/ Gran de Gràcia (between C/ Nil Fabra and Pla de Nicolás Salmerón).

These major hubs will therefore be closed to traffic at weekends and fully accessible to pedestrians to stroll in, taking the opportunity for some leisurely shopping in the local shops, reading a book outside in the fresh air or playing an improvised game in the street with a group of friends.

Coexistence with bikes and scooters

It’s worth remembering there are a few exceptions with Obrim Carrers, as vehicles belonging to local residents can access or exit car parking in the area, always from the nearest intersecting street and following the instructions of traffic assistants and the City Police: Certain conditions also mean that other vehicles can circulate. Check the details here.

Bicycles and scooters may also circulate, però els usuaris han de respectar sempre la preferència de les persones que es desplacen a peu: han de circular a un màxim de 10 km/h i, en cas que hi hagi aglomeracions de persones, és obligatori baixar del vehicle i anar a peu. Check the information poster.