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Nou Barris reunites Jaume Plensa’s family of sculptures

29/05/2022 - 13:31 h

The District of Nou Barris has recovered and restored the three works making up the set known as ‘Escullera’, by the Barcelona sculptor Jaume Plensa. The works had been in different locations since the 90s and were in a poor state of conservation. The move by the district lends dignity to the work of Plensa and regains the artist’s original idea by reuniting the bronze pieces in the gardens in Via Júlia.

The three sculptures making up Escullera were originally sited in Plaça de Francesc Layret, in the Verdun neighbourhood, in 1988. In the 90s the pieces were moved to separate locations, undoing the collective nature of the work.

The renovation work carried out this year by the District of Nou Barris has enabled the three bronze statues to be restored and protected, improving their conservation. A space has been configured especially for local people to be able to enjoy the set of artistic works.

Jaume Plensa’s work adds to the city’s artistic wealth, with sculptures such as those now recovered in the gardens in Via Júlia, along with the well-known four-metre iron face known as Carmela, in front of the Palau de la Música Catalana in C/ Sant Pere Més Alt, in the neighbourhood of Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera.