Park Güell shines again

14/08/2020 - 13:56 h

Renovation work at the Park Güell has now been completed. Improvements were mainly being made to the Sala Hipòstila and the seats in Plaça de la Natura, two of the most visited parts in the park. The work also included the renovation of the area at the Font Sarva, which was previously inaccessible and will soon be able to be visited. Other work completed includes the renovation of the Viaducte de Baix, regaining its original appearance.

The renovation of the seating in Plaça de la Natura, with its trencadis finish of pieces of ceramics, glass, porcelain and stone, started in 2019. After a preliminary study, the work enabled damaged parts of the seating to be repaired using original pieces from the park and the creation of new pieces to reproduce the originals.

In the Sala Hipòstila, work focused on a comprehensive renovation of the ceiling, repairing cracks, replacing trencadis finishes and restoring original metal profiles. Damaged pieces of trencadis were replaced by others, while pieces with minor damage were repaired. The scaffolding was also used to carry out general improvements at the same time. This renovation work complements the work done at the start of 2019, when the roof was waterproofed to improve drainage following the renovation of Plaça de la Natura.

The work in the Park Güell also enabled a previously inaccessible area to be recovered. The area around the Font Sarva has been reconditioned, with work carried out on lighting, paving, handrails and gates. The Viaducte de Baix has also regained its original appearance and its architectural stability guaranteed. The restoration was achieved in keeping with some historical photos discovered during the work, which provided highly valuable information.

In line with the Park Güell Strategic Plan

The work all forms part of the Park Güell Strategic Plan, jointly developed with local people, organisations and municipal stakeholders. The plan set out a series of measures and a budget of 24.9 million euros to improve the social return of the park for the city and preserve its architectural and natural heritage. All the work carried out in the last few years, not just in terms of construction and maintenance, but also on mobility, public space, facilities, heritage and culture, can be found in the Park Güell Governance Report, available on the Park Güell website.

Prevention of Covid-19

Activity at the Park Güell resumed early in July. The park has gained two safety certificates in the fight against the coronavirus. Firstly, the Global Safe Site certificate, ensuring correct implementation of procedures on hygiene, safety, cleaning and disinfection by the managing body for the site, B:SM. Secondly, the park received the Safe Tourism Certified seal, created by the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism (ICTE), certifying the successful establishment of protocols on safety, prevention and hygiene.

The Park Güell is one of the most visited places in Barcelona. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984, a distinction given to natural spaces and cultural assets of very high value around the world which need to be protected and their conservation guaranteed for future generations to enjoy.