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Parks and Gardens announces a call to fill 75 vacancies to strengthen the workforce

24/12/2023 - 12:47 h

The Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens will be strengthening its workforce by launching a call to fill 75 public sector assistant gardener vacancies, to take on pruning duties and help to maintain green space.

Next February, a call for applications to fill 75 assistant gardener vacancies in the public sector will be launched. These additional staff will strengthen gardening teams with two objectives in mind. The first is to combat the negative effects of the current drought, guaranteeing survival irrigation and minimising the impact on the trees. It is also a means of providing general support in terms of ensuring that the aims of the Pla Endreça Barcelona are met, and so guaranteeing excellence in public spaces.

At the same time, 50 people will be recruited this January via the job market, and there will be a call to fill 73 ordinary replacement posts, to reduce the number of temporary workers on the staff.

With the aim of facilitating access to the labour market, over the course of 2024, 125 people will also be recruited from employment schemes run by Barcelona Activa.

Details of selection processes can be found at Barcelona City Council’s e-headquarters, in the public-sector vacancies section.