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Parks and Gardens will be planting more than 700 trees in the Trinitat Vella neighbourhood over the next three months

01/10/2021 - 13:04 h

Reforestation work in Trinitat Vella has already begun. Between now and 31 December this year, Parks and Gardens expects to plant 738 new trees in different zones bordering the main roads that surround the neighbourhood.

They will be a mix of cypresses, Chinese soap trees, grevilleas, poplars and Peruvian pepper trees. The areas outside the Parc de la Trinitat included in the plan are the following: Via Barcino – football pitch, Via Barcino – Cal·Listènia and Torrent de la Perera. This initiative is the result of a process of consultation with local people, and will cost almost 293,000 euros.

The project includes cutting down and replacing dead or dying specimens, and repairing and adapting the existing irrigation network at those points where this is necessary to guarantee the survival of the trees.

82 dead or senescent trees are expected to be removed. Trees that fall into the following categories will be replaced: trees that represent a safety issue; dead, irrecoverable or weak trees; trees that are in the process of decay. Trees will also be planted in all vacant tree pits.