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Parks, green areas and trees get in trim in the autumn!

10/10/2020 - 10:29 h

A special green maintenance plan will be executed in the autumn to back up the work usually done and help redress the atypical situation resulting from the Covid-19 crisis. Work will include clearing tree beds, pruning bushes and trees, planting a thousand new trees, cutting grass in parks and gardens, the replacement of 100,000 flowers and the daily inspection of green spaces given over to be used by schools.

The plan includes work in the city’s ten districts and has been agreed at a local level.

Action in the green maintenance plan for the autumn

  • Parks and gardens: conditioning of different areas, grass cutting, repairs to sprinkler systems, pruning of bushes, repair of granite sand paths and maintenance of parterres.
  • Tree beds: twice-weekly maintenance with priority for streets used the most, minimal use of chemical herbicides and sowing of flower species which help control infestations.
  • Trees: new trees for empty tree beds, planting of a thousand trees, biennial risk assessment (119,000 trees this year) and four-yearly pruning (36,000 trees this year).
  • Green spaces given over for use by schools: daily inspections, elimination of risk elements, checks on furniture, cleaning of soft paving, replacement of granite sand, trimming of parterres and elimination of weeds.
  • Flowers: as usual, in November, summer flower species will be replaced by winter ones. Nearly 100,000 flowers will be planted, covering 5,500 square metres.

As usual, the management of greenery will be conducted from an ecological perspective, with the sustainable use of resources, the protection of natural heritage, the minimisation of chemical weed killers, less invasive pruning and maximum respect for natural processes and the emergence of spontaneous flora.

The team tasked with maintaining the city’s green spaces is made up of more than 700 people, distributed into 50 gardening teams, 16 pruning teams, 18 watering teams and 6 teams providing support in logistics and infrastructures.