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Renovation means savings: subsidies to cut energy consumption in your home

21/10/2022 - 11:55 h

If you need to renovate your home, now is the time. Europe’s Next Generation funds can help you cut your energy consumption and save on your power bills, improving the comfort of your home and increasing its value at the same time. Four lines of financial support are geared towards cutting the energy consumption of buildings, homes and neighbourhoods (joint works) and drafting building documents and renovation projects. Subsidies can cover up to 80% of the work and the application period is open until 31 December.

Renovating a building to improve its energy efficiency can lead to average savings of 620 euros a year on energy bills, cut CO2 emissions by 811 kg per renovated home and improve comfort and well-being.

If you own a flat there are four lines of subsidies available to you through Europe’s Next Generation funding to renovate your home with energy efficiency criteria. Applications should either be made online via the procedures website or by approaching the Municipal Renovation Office.

Subsidies for work on common elements of buildings, whether family or multiple-family residences, achieving a primary non-renewable energy reduction of at least 30% and a reduction of 25% in the demand for heating or cooling.

Subsidies for owners seeking to improve the energy efficiency of their home through the renewal of windows, insulation on the façade, changes to heating and cooling systems etc.

Subsidies for owner/tenant communities in buildings constructed before the year 2000 seeking a technical study with instructions on maintenance and use to prolong the useful life of their building and avoid its degradation, as well as for the development of technical projects for the comprehensive renovation of buildings.

Subsidies to carry out joint renovation work with energy efficiency criteria in buildings included in the areas covered by the Neighbourhood Plan.