Second 2030 Agenda Meeting

03/11/2022 - 13:38 h

The Second 2030 Agenda Meeting will look at how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) can have a positive influence on the governance of cities and drive change and accountability for work done. The meeting is being held at the Barcelona Activa auditorium on 29 and 30 November.

The meeting will also show how the 2030 Agenda is being applied in Barcelona and other cities, and how to better coordinate action between the different administrations to make it effective. Another topic to be addressed is the transition towards forms of energy which don’t produce greenhouse gases and need to be made compatible with economic health and social welfare.

The first Barcelona 2030 Agenda awards will be given during the afternoon on 29 November. The awards are in ten categories and recognise schools, organisations and businesses which have managed to combine commitment and creativity in relation to the SDGS.