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The ban on electric scooters on public transport has been extended for a further three months

29/06/2023 - 10:53 h

The restriction, which was scheduled to be in place for six months, has been temporarily extended to 31 October, when it is anticipated that a permanent regulation will be established.

The Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) has decided to extend the temporary ban on electric scooters and other personal mobility vehicles on public transport for a further three months. This means that the ban will continue until 31 October, when it is expected that the proposal for the definitive regulation will be drawn up. 

The regulation that the ATM will put to operators will take into account essential aspects of public health, such as safety and security, encouraging intermodality, that is, the inclusion of these personal mobility vehicles on public transport. The final decision will be based on the conclusions drawn by the agents involved in the working group, which include operators, firefighters, health, civil defence and industrial security officers, among others.

Administrative penalty

This means that the 200 euro fine for non-compliance with the ban on electric scooters and one-wheel scooters on board public transport vehicles and in transport facilities beyond the access gates is still in place.

Background to the temporary ban

This decision was taken as a preventive safety measure, as a result of the explosion of an electric scooter in a carriage of a Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya train on 17 November last year.

Following this incident, on 19 December, ATM decided not to allow these vehicles on board public transport until the conclusion of an investigation into how to ensure the safety of passengers and staff on public transport. 

Intermodal car parks

While electric scooters are banned on public transport, they can be parked in the bike parking facilities in Barcelona, close to the train and metro stations. The City Council has incorporated the logo of a scooter on the signs in the authorised parking facilities, in 235 locations.

Furthermore, in order to facilitate parking and public transport interchange points, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is also allowing the parking of these vehicles in Bicibox, which has 2,571 places for bikes and scooters.

Source: ATM