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The proactive city is looking for high-impact social and environmental projects

06/05/2022 - 16:23 h

Projects have up to 27 May to be entered for the new “the proactive city” urban-innovation call for grant applications, which has a 500,000 euro Budget and is looking for initiatives offering solutions to the urban challenges of energy transitions and the climate emergency as well as urban transformation, housing and social cohesion. As a new feature, this third edition launched by BIT Habitat will be funding projects for between 50,000 euros and 150,000 euros, up to a maximum of 80% of their total budget.

The solutions must be noted for their high impact, innovating components, approach, scalability and replicability. A selection committee made up of a group of independent experts will select the winner proposals, which will be announced in October.

Detailed information on the various initiatives and subject areas that can be opted for in the call (energy-transition projects, urban decarbonisation, consumption models,
urban regeneration and social housing or innovation) is available on the call’s website.

Good baggage

There are currently seventeen winner initiatives in progress in the city from previous editions, meeting the great priority urban challenges.

The 2020 edition, “The proactive city. Barcelona, and now?”, saw awards given to six proposals that dealt with boosting the local economy and improving urban sustainability and resilience. These initiatives were in operation until the end of 2021.

The 2021 edition, “The proactive city, Barcelona in action”, saw subsidies given out to a total of eleven projects, which are presently being implemented. They are focusing on a fair and inclusive digital transition and working to ensure urban sustainability and taking on the climate emergency.