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The transformation of the Montjuïc trade fair site takes shape

02/02/2022 - 12:49 h

The municipal government proposal for the Montjuïc trade fair site builds in the new uses agreed on with local people and allows for the project to be developed through until 2029. The reformulated space will combine trade fair activity with affordable housing, public facilities, more greenery and better mobility.

The initial project is the result of a participatory process involving local people and organisations in Sants-Montjuïc and Fira de Barcelona, the goal being to analyse the current state of the area and identify its needs.

The four clear needs identified relate to new uses for the area, urban continuity, backing for sustainable mobility and the conservation of historical buildings.

Balanced use of space and central role for greenery and pedestrians

In order to build in local uses and achieve trade fair activity which is better integrated with the urban fabric, a reduction of 53% in trade fair activity is proposed, making for a more flexible, efficient, compact and modern space which will not only allow for fair activity to continue but also strengthen it.

The rest of the site will be given over to public uses and divided between public housing, public facilities, green areas and connecting routes.

The land reserved for affordable public housing could provide space for 500 new flats and also house public premises for commerce.

The consensus reached during the participatory process includes six new facilities:

  1. A primary healthcare centre (CAP)
  2. A care centre for the elderly and for people with functional diversity
  3. A library
  4. A community space
  5. A sports facility
  6. The extensión to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC)

Action is also planned to improve mobility in the area, such as:

  • Connecting the neighbourhoods of Poble-sec and La Font de la Guatlla with a public avenue.
  • Connecting Av. Paral·lel with Montjuïc by extending C/ Guàrdia Urbana as far as Av. Paral·lel.
  • Optimising mobility in C/ Lleida and C/ Mèxic, which would become one-way.
  • Strengthening the monumental nature of Av. Reina Maria Cristina to make it an avenue for people and public transport, connecting the trade fair areas with the mountain of Montjuïc.
  • Creating a new cycling network in the area.

The plan is also to reserve 23,000 square metres of space for greenery and pedestrians, making for more pleasant and agreeable public space.