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Three big events to celebrate an autumn of sustainable food

07/10/2021 - 15:51 h

The city goes into the autumn with the intention of setting out a turning point in the transformation of the food system and the fight against climate change. To this end, a series of events are being organised in October in Barcelona: Sustainable Food Week, the 7th Global Forum for the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and the Barcelona Gastronomy Forum.

Sustainable Food Week is being held in the city from 14 to 24 October, offering activities, talks, workshops and tastings. The programme mainly takes place in different spaces in Ciutat Vella, but will also include activities in other city districts. There are 150 activities in all, raising awareness on the ecological footprint that our dishes generate and helping people to cook with a lower energy consumption.

The entire programme will be conducted through different itineraries which emphasise gastronomic heritage, food waste and re-use, the urban-rural sphere and biodiversity, food and social rights and proximity.

Notable activities include a supper to denounce food waste, driven by the chef Ada Parellada, the popular free lunch to re-use food, with 200 menus made with food which would otherwise be thrown away, and the 17th edition of the Universal Soup Festival held in Nou Barris.

For full information and the programme for Sustainable Food Week go to: alimentaciosostenible.barcelona/ca/setmana-ciutadana.

Global Forum by cities in the Milan Pact

The second big event in October is on from 19 to 21 October. Nearly 300 technical and political representatives from cities all over the world, members of international agencies and the science community, along with civil society representatives, will be getting together for the 7th Global Forum for the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). The goal of the forum is to discuss the impact of food on people’s health and on ecosystems, global food justice and the role of central markets in the transformation of food systems and more.

Barcelona Gastronomy Forum

Professionals in the gastronomy and restaurant sector will be getting together from 18 to 20 October for the Barcelona Gastronomy Forum, which brings together nearly 300 exhibitor companies and 62 chefs, with 46 Michelin stars between them. This year’s event revolves around sustainability and the commitment to healthy food.

Chefs participating in the seventy plus activities include Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda, Eneko Atxa, Maria Solivellas and Najat Kaanache.

Ten million euros to drive sustainable food

Barcelona is the World Sustainable Food Capital in 2021 and has already devoted ten million euros to the promotion of sustainable food through a hundred projects in five spheres: promotion of healthy and sustainable diets accessible to everybody, facilitation of the distribution and sale of locally produced organic produce, the promotion of an agro-organic transition in the city, the process for sustainable food to apply across all sectors and the drafting of a food strategy for the period through to 2030.