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Three schools to become part of the city’s public education network

19/02/2021 - 12:59 h

The next school year will see three state-subsidised private schools from the Fundació Escola Vicenciana become part of the city’s public education network. The three schools in question are the Marillac, Sagrada Família and Sagrat Cor, all in the district of L’Eixample. The change will mean an extra thousand places for pupils within the public education system.

One of the goals of the move is to redress the historical deficit in public schooling in the city. The Fundació Escola Vicenciana and the Education Consortium have signed a rental agreement for the facilities. Workers at the centres, some 96 teachers and auxiliary staff, as well as the 1,049 pupils, will all become part of the public education network.

Improvements and renovation work are planned at the schools, preferably to be done outside classroom hours, and in all cases compatible with any activity outside of the school holiday period. The investment by the Ministry for Education and Barcelona City Council, which is assuming 50% of the cost of the work, is 1,533,400 euros over the next two years.

The Fundació Escola Vicenciana opted to take this step under Decree law 10/2019, of 28 May, on the procedure for the integration of education centres into the network belonging to the Government of Catalonia, which makes it possible for state-funded private schools to switch to the public system.

The schools

  • Escola Marillac (C/ Sicília, 249), to become the Institut Escola Sicília: one class for each year of the first and second cycles of infant, primary and compulsory secondary education, with 286 pupils currently enrolled. The budget for renovation and improvements in the coming years is 509,800 euros.
  • Escola Sagrada Família (C/ Comte d’Urgell, 262), to become the Institut Escola Londres: two classes for each year of the second cycle of infant schooling, primary and compulsory secondary education, with 544 pupils enrolled. The budget for renovation and improvements in the coming years is 481,600 euros.
  • Escola Sagrat Cor (C/ Aldana, 1), to become the Escola Aldana: one class for each year of the second cycle of infant schooling, plus primary schooling, with 217 pupils enrolled. The budget for renovation and improvements in the coming years is 492,000 euros.