Towards a greener city

26/03/2023 - 11:05 h

The last few years have seen the city gain 53 hectares of greenery, 44.6 of which are now available for city people to take advantage of, with the rest to follow when the corresponding work is completed. This boost in greenery has been implemented with a local perspective and meets the goals of the Nature Plan, the ecological management roadmap to make greenery more diverse and abundant. Another goal is to help green up the city and foster and preserve its biodiversity.

Nearly 500 projects have been implemented, most notably in La Marina del Prat Vermell (2.8 hectares), Colònia Castells (0.9 hectares), Eixos Verds (0.9 hectares), Pi i Margall (0.36 hectarea), La Sagrera (1.3 hectares), La Meridiana (0.28 hectares), Pont de Sant Martí (1.8 hectares) and Plaça de la Primavera (0.98 hectares).

Extensive planting has also added 8,000 trees, the goal being to reduce the number of empty tree beds in the city. Nearly a hundred trees have also gained protected status and been added to the Barcelona Catalogue of Trees of Local Interest since 2019.

In parallel to this boost in greenery, over 220 additional garden workers have been taken on by Barcelona Parks and Gardens, bringing the current workforce for maintaining green spaces to 600 people.

All these measures form part of the rollout of the ecological management of greenery and the greening up of specific areas to foster and preserve the city’s biodiversity, drive the use of sustainable resources, protect natural heritage and the environment and people’s health. In this respect, the intention is also to promote new biodiversity shelters where specific measures are applied to protect flora as an essential habitat for fauna, in addition to existing shelters in places such as the Parc Diagonal Mar, the Parc Joan Miró and the Jardins Valent Petit.

Comprehensive renovation projects have also been carried out, including those in the Plaça d’Armes in the Parc de la Ciutadella, the Parc de l’Oreneta and the Roserar de Cervates, as well as those under way at the Hivernacle in the Parc de la Ciutadella and the Palau del Marquès d’Alfarràs.