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Work begins on the cycle lane’s extension in Via Augusta

06/11/2022 - 10:21 h

The lane will be created in the section between C/ Laforja and C/ Ganduxer, providing continuity to the cycle lane operating between Av Diagonal and C/ Laforja.

The work is being funded with the EU’s Next Generation funds and will continue for five months.

There is currently already a cycle lane between Av Diagonal and C/ Laforja, so that the work now starting will provide continuity to this lane between C/ Laforja (or Av La Riera de Cassoles) and C/ Ganduxer. Work will subsequently begin, around the start of 2023, on the section between C/ Ganduxer and C/ Dolors Monserdà, which is part of one of participatory-budget projects. A cycle hub will be added to the area, connecting the Sarrià – Sant Gervasi district with Eixample and the Sant Gervasi – Galvany, les Tres Torres and Sarrià neighbourhoods.

Work on the section between C/ Laforja and C/ Ganduxer

The section that is just being started will incorporate two singe-direction cycle lanes along the street, next to the pavement, one for each direction of traffic. This will involve removing one traffic or service lane on one side, depending on the section. The entire route will have the corresponding signposting and rubber separators.

The project has been divided into four sections, depending on the area’s features: from C/ Laforja / Av la Riera de Cassoles to Plaça Molina, from Plaça Molina to C/ Muntaner and from C/ Muntaner to C/ Ganduxer. The best solution for each section has been adopted and practically the entire route will run along the lane closest to the pavement and in the same direction of traffic as the motor vehicles, except in Av Riera de Cassoles and in Plaça de Molina, where one of the two directions of the cycle lane will run against the flow of the other vehicle traffic.

Disruptions to mobility caused by the work

The initial work will include the relocation of service intersections; the construction of temporary passageways at the junctions along C/ Sant Eusebi, on the sea-facing side, and along C/ Lincoln, on both sides, and the widening of the pavements along C/ Madrazo and Via Augusta, at the Escola Nostra Senyora de Lurdes level, among other things. Afterwards work will then focus on removing the upper layers of the street’s paving along with its asphalt and painting and on installing separators and posts.

The work will cause several disruptions to mobility at points such as the junction between Av Riera de Cassoles and Via Augusta, where, despite the traffic lanes being occupied, pedestrian and vehicle itineraries will be guaranteed at all times. There will also be occupied traffic lanes along Via Augusta between Av Riera de Cassoles and C/ Balmes, where at least one traffic lane will be maintained along the street.