The Barcelona Road Safety Forum analyses the influence of alcohol and drugs in reckless driving

01/12/2023 - 12:15 h

Safety and prevention. The meeting was held yesterday at the CaixaForum Macaya.

The 29th Barcelona Road Safety Forum was held yesterday under the title “Reckless driving: the influence of alcohol and drugs”.

The topic for the meeting was addressed from policing and legal perspectives, as well as social, institutional and health angles, as a challenge calling for joint responsibility by users and administrations.

To this end, participants at the meeting included experts from all these spheres, as well as a first-hand account from somebody who shared what it means to experience and cause a traffic accident.

This year’s meeting was also used to pay homage with a plaque to Ole Thorson, a leading figure in road safety and mobility.

The meeting is organised every year by Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Traffic Service, the RACC and the organisation Prevenció d’Accidents de Trànsit P(A)T.