The Third Deputy Mayor for Security, Prevention and Coexistence, Albert Batlle, opened the meeting “New challenges in public space and road safety”, which also included a talk from the intendent Diego José Calero.
The latter addressed mobility management in the new context of active mobility, in a round table about the current challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (and more specifically about achieving accessible and sustainable transport systems) and about the 2030 Agenda.
The meeting was held at the Campus Nord of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in the district of Les Corts, and was organised by the UPC, the Associació de Prevenció d’Accidents de Trànsit and Stop Accidentes, with the collaboration of Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Provincial Council.
Municipal policies focus on road safety to reduce accidents and prevent conduct that poses a risk. According to the latest accident figures, the number of road accident deaths dropped in 2023, with three districts achieving zero deaths and gaining the Vision Zero award. Barcelona City Council’s different measures in this sphere include the annual organisation of the Road Safety Forum in conjunction with various organisations.
Similarly, besides their prevention and enforcement work relating to traffic infringements, the City Police organise information sessions, school workshops and specific awareness campaigns in this sphere.