Volta Ciclista a Catalunya 2015
20/03/2024 - 14:14 h

Disruptions to mobility for the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya 2024

Safety and prevention. The traffic restrictions in place for the longest periods will be in Av. Reina Maria Cristina and Av. Rius i Taulet, lasting from 6.30 am to 5 pm on Sunday.

A pair of City Police officers on patrol in the streets of the Triangle
18/03/2024 - 18:20 h

Less noise and inconvenience in the Leisure Triangle

Safety and prevention. The implementation of the plan with measures to combat noise has brought down noise levels and incidents.

18/03/2024 - 14:13 h

Participation in a European meeting to improve police handling of LGBTI-phobic hate crimes

Safety and prevention. Revision of the Council of Europe training manual against these crimes, with various working sessions.

Una aula universitària amb persones que participen en les proves de selecció al cos de Bombers i de Guàrdia Urbana. Autor: Sergi Ramos.
16/03/2024 - 11:46 h

Over 5,100 candidates start the entrance exams for the City Police and the Fire Service

Safety and prevention. Those who pass the entrance process for the City Police will start the basic police training course, while candidates for the Fire Service will take part in a selection course.

15/03/2024 - 13:52 h

Participation in national and international meetings on safety and gender and tackling drone attacks

Safety and prevention. A speech explained the experience of the City Police and the Fire Service in initiatives that build in the gender perspective.

14/03/2024 - 14:58 h

City Police involved in a joint operation to combat vandalism against rail infrastructures

Safety and prevention. The operation was launched in 2023 to identify, locate and detain the perpetrators of over 200 vandalism offences.

14/03/2024 - 14:57 h

Award for improving nightlife safety

Safety and prevention. The awards recognise the most notable projects, initiatives and campaigns for promoting the sustainability of the nightlife sector.

12/03/2024 - 09:57 h

The City Police and the Barcelona Fire Service await at the Education Fair!

Safety and prevention. The fair is on at Fira de Barcelona from 13 to 17 March.

The facilities at the Anella Olímpica in Montjuïc, with the Palau Sant Jordi in the foreground and the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys in the background
11/03/2024 - 15:28 h

Operation for the FC Barcelona Champions League match in Montjuïc

People are recommended to get to Montjuïc on foot, on public transport or by bike. A free shuttle bus will also be operating and extra services provided on the funicular and the metro and FGC lines.

Radar informatiu a prop d'una escola
11/03/2024 - 13:32 h

City Police campaign to combat speeding

The week-long campaign will specifically target speeding, one of the main causes of accidents.