Reference framework
The new Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Authorities (LPACAP) establishes that e-procedures have to constitute the regular actions of public authorities to better serve the principles of effectiveness and efficiency in cost saving, transparency obligations and citizens’ guarantees. To that end, the Municipal Institute of Information Technology has been working on several technological initiatives for improving the current administrative process digitally. The e-File project is being implemented so that a comprehensive solution can be provided under the e-Document Management Model (MGDE), as approved in 2016, for creating electronic files that guarantee the storage, integrity, use and availability of documents.
Electronic files are being created from an information-integrating perspective. Hence its unification, under a single documentary-management platform, of the management of electronic and paper-medium files kept in the Arxiu Municipal [Municipal Archives]. It enables the management, what is more, of other digital assets, such as audiovisual documents.
It also includes the development of other documentary-management tools, such as the Catalogue of Documents used for generating the uniform document-classification management chart for arranging and rationalising documentary productions. All that involves documentary analyses of all the series (or groups of documents) used before its implementation, one of the principles that the MGDE is also based on.