Implementation of a New Municipal Government Network Access Control System (NAC)
Reference framework
Within the framework of EU measures, on 7 October 2020, the Spanish state government approved Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), which sets out the lines of action for modernising the Spanish economy and is structured around four areas: ecological transition, social and regional cohesion, digitalisation and gender equality. This PRTR was approved by the European Commission on 16 June 2021.
Currently, security incidents and threats to public administration networks are becoming increasingly frequent. For Barcelona City Council, which has a workforce of more than 12,000 people working across more than 500 centres throughout the municipal region and interacting intensively with city residents, telecommunications services are key smooth operations. It must acquire the elements necessary to boost the security of the municipal government network in order to protect the City Council from malicious attacks on its infrastructure and data from within its own facilities.
The project provides for the implementation of a network access control tool to monitor the multiple wired access points from the different buildings, identifying which people and devices are connected, how they are connected and when they do so in order to integrate them into a new advanced security architecture.
The new network access control system will make it easier to safely and consistently monitor access to the council’s wired network, providing access to the council’s internet by identifying the people and devices that access it.
It will also include learning and profile-creation features, make it possible to interact with the current network of switches from different manufacturers within Barcelona City Council and provide for the control and monitoring of connection management, automating the management of alerts for malicious or anomalous connections. Lastly, it will be possible to integrate the system into the IMI’s current advanced security architecture, comprised of various firewalls, F5 load balancers and SOC tools.
Next Generation Line of action: PRIORITY 1 Strategic Line of Action 5. Strengthening cyber-defence structures in Barcelona City Council’s digital environment