Reference framework
The city of Barcelona is a leader in mobility and to ensure that this continues to be the case, we are working on the 2019-2024 Urban Mobility Plan (PMU) to establish the lines of action that are to govern urban mobility over the next few years. The plan follows the same line as the 2013-2018 PMU and is governed by five main pillars: safety, health, sustainability, equity, and intelligence. Through the Catalonia Institute of IT (IMI), Barcelona City Council who is a partner in the consortium, is taking part in the Smart mObility hUb pLatform (SOUL) project to develop a support system for mobility decisions for a given hub in the city, in accordance with the principles of the PMU.
SOUL is a project funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as part of the EIT Urban Mobility initiative. The aim of the SOUL project is to focus on how data can enable future urban mobility systems to be more collaborative, efficient, and user-centred. This is the reason why we want to develop a system (Decision Support System (DSS)) to help the people in charge of mobility matters make medium- and long-term mobility management and planning decisions for a given part of the city. The system will specifically focus on three mobility hubs in three European cities: Milan, Eindhoven, and Barcelona. The city of Barcelona’s hub is Plaça de Catalunya given its importance in terms of mobility and the great variety of services it offers.