Representatives from each of the LGBTI associations in Barcelona, as well as representatives of the municipal corporation’s political party groups, business sector associations, public authorities and other institutions, university experts noted for their personal careers and their knowledge in matters of interest to this Council and in other related areas.

It is also made up of representatives from political parties and unions that have set up a specific committee to work on LGBTI issues and, finally, the municipal staff involved in the Council's goals and priority content.

Chair: Maria Eugènia Gay Rosell. Second Deputy Mayor's Office Area for Social Rights, Culture, Education and Cycles of Life

Comissioner: Javier Rodríguez Núñez. Comissioner for Children, Adolescents, Youth and LGTBI Policies

Association Deputy Chair: Lluis Sanz García (Plataforma d'entitats

Secretary: Francisco Miñan Medina. Expert at the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs

Do you want to be part of the CMLGTBI?

Organisations interested in joining the CMLGTBI will have to submit their application in writing to the Council’s Secretariat. You will find instructions for making applications and the corresponding files in the Further Information section.

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