The OMIC continues to provide its services to the public electronically and through the 010 phone service. Claims and enquiries will continue to be preferably dealt with online. For those inquiries or complaints that require face-to-face attention, you must make an appointment in advance on the municipal procedures portal, by calling 010, or at the Municipal Procedures Kiosk.
Food labelling
When it comes to knowing whether certain foods comply with labelling legislation, there is a clear distinction between packaged food and drinks (i.e. all those foods that are pre-packaged before being sold and whose content cannot be changed without opening the container) and fresh or unpackaged foods. The applicable legislation is different in each case.
However, it is always mandatory to provide information on allergens and products that may cause intolerances.
Remember that you can contact the OMIC if you need any information on your rights in this area. And, if you need to make a claim with the company because you are not satisfied with their response to your complaint, we can handle that for you too.