Final days of the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and Fire Prevention, 1833-2022”

05/01/2024 - 13:33 h

Safety and prevention. The exhibition includes a significant display of historical vehicles, photographs and audiovisuals about big fires.

Over 6,300 people have visited the exhibition at MUHBA's Oliva Artés, which ends on Sunday, 7 January, or have attended one of the various activities linked to it.

The display looks at the fire prevention measures that have been applied since the corps was created in 1833 through until the present day, as well as the main fires that have occurred in the city in the history of the corps. By way of illustration, it includes a significant display of historical vehicles, photographs, display cases with communication devices and notifications, audiovisuals on major fires and a scale model of the Caserna de Llevant fire station.

The exhibition emphasises the key role of prevention, which is just as important as extinction and rescue. Following the creation of a well-equipped professional fire service, Barcelona became a safer city. This was also due to the creation of a basic legal framework on fire safety and an inspection system to guarantee it. Priority has also started being given to information and training activities aimed at the general public.

Parallel activities for the exhibition included lectures on history and prevention, sessions devoted to the gender perspective, technical sessions, children’s activities and demonstrations on steam pumps, cutting people out of vehicles, aerial rescues in urban settings and emergency measures in the case of chemical risks.

For more information check the MUHBA website.