Workshop: Human Rights and Public Administration.
Incorporating a human rights-based approach into public policies
What is it about?
The workshop aims to present the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to planning specialists for local public policies.
Managing public life on a local level, and especially in a city, has become a vital factor in preventing human rights violations and ensuring their protection. The objectives, decisions and activities of any public policy implemented by local authorities must be in line with promoting human rights in their municipality.
The HRBA has been developed by the United Nations as a conceptual framework that makes respecting, protecting and safeguarding human rights the foundation, goal and means for enabling sustainable human development. Making use of such an approach in municipal policies is a challenge that Barcelona City Council is rising to under its ‘Barcelona, city of rights’ programme.
This training session includes the key ideas of the HRBA, Barcelona's model and its application in municipal public policies. In doing so, we will use the ‘City of human rights, the Barcelona model. Methodological Guide’ as the main resource.
Who is it for?
Administration personnel
How will you do that?
The workshop is offered in both in-person and virtual formats. It combines theory with a practical approach and the analysis of Barcelona City Council's practices in defending human rights, as well as specific cases which the participants wish to explore more fully.
How long is it?
2 hours
Who runs it?
Human Rights Resources Centre – CRDH