
E.g., 16/09/2024
E.g., 16/09/2024
Plaques Fotovoltaiques
02/11/2021 - 16:38 h

A boost for solar power generation on industrial rooftops in Zona Franca

Climate emergency. The agreement with the Zona Franca Consortium reaffirms the municipal commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

31/10/2021 - 09:45 h

More tortoises and brook newts in their natural habitats

Environment and sustainability. Barcelona Zoo has been involved in various programmes to reintroduce native species in recent days.

30/10/2021 - 10:52 h

Very good ratings for non-smoking beaches

Beaches. Another notable aspect from the balance for the 2021 bathing season is that the city has recovered its pre-pandemic volume of beachgoers, with 3.8 million users.

28/10/2021 - 19:52 h

For inclusive language towards people with disabilities on public transport

Inclusive language. A joint campaign with TMB seeks to put an end to discriminatory labels such as ‘handicapped’ and ‘diminished’.

28/10/2021 - 12:06 h

Schools with street-calmed environments to number 155 in 2022

Childhood. The areas around 155 schools will have fewer cars, and with the work planned through until 2022 will become places for people to interact in, with less pollution.

26/10/2021 - 17:02 h

Healthy and sustainable food reaches all districts

City Council. The exhibition follows on from Sustainable Food Week.

Enquesta de serveis municipals 2021
26/10/2021 - 16:07 h

Municipal services survey 2021: local people’s perception of the city improves after the pandemic

City Council. Three out of four local people approve of municipal management.

26/10/2021 - 15:20 h

Barcelona to celebrate the European Sustainable Energy Week

Energy. Throughout the week, activities and workshops have been programmed to raise awareness of a new energy model that is clean, sustainable, decarbonised, distributed and democratic.

25/10/2021 - 16:29 h

Barcelona starts preparing to become the UIA-UNESCO World Capital of Architecture for 2026

Urban planning. The first milestone comes next year with the Festival d’Arquitectura de Barcelona - Architecture Fest BCN, adapting the current Architecture Week to adopt a more international perspective.

carril bus Aragó
22/10/2021 - 13:32 h

Improvements around more than 3,000 m2 of bus lanes in the city

Roadworks. The goal is to act in the sections in poorest repair due to the increase in the volume of buses, to improve road surfaces and boost user comfort, operating speeds and road safety.
