Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

International projects

Urban Environment promotes and participates in research projects with European funding along with other cities, companies and reference institutions in the corresponding sectors. It is also part of international organizations to improve cities and people’s quality of life. Besides, it participates in international networks and goes into partnerships to promote projects with cities and reference agencies.

European-funded projects (EU): 

Multiclimact Project

iBathwater Project

EDUSI Project

EUNOIA Project 

City SDK Project


GrowSmarter Project

EU Cities Adapt Project 

Campanya Procura + (Sustainable Public Procurement) 


Participation in International Networks: 


European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign 

World Federation of Rose Societies 

World Water Council 

Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource management (ACR+) 

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group 

UN Habitat