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How to communicate an incident, complaint or suggestion to Barcelona City Council?

18/03/2021 - 16:06 h

There are various ways for people to contact the City Council, either telematically or in person, to communicate an incident in public space, make a complaint or a suggestion, and for it to be resolved swiftly and efficiently.

Online support site

The online support website has been simplified for users to easily input any request for information, make an enquiry, process a complaint, send a suggestion or communicate an incident in public space or with a municipal service. The site includes a smart search feature, making communication between the City Council and citizens easier and meaning that requests can be correctly referred to the right team to resolve them.

‘Pocket Barcelona’ app

You can also make complaints or report incidents easily using a smartphone, thanks to the new ‘Pocket Barcelona’ municipal app. The tool brings together information on current affairs, services, procedures and all the city’s culture, allowing for agile communication with the municipal services responsible for resolving the incidents identified.

Phone support

Barcelona City Council offers citizens the freephone number 010 (931 537 010 if calling from outside the city) for complaints or for reporting damage or problems with municipal services. The service also offers information on facilities, events and services in the metropolitan area.

Citizen Help and Information Offices

If you would rather get assistance in person, you can approach any of the 13 citizen help and information offices, located in all city districts. These are comprehensive information points, where you can carry out procedures and register requests. To guarantee safety and hygiene measures resulting from the Covid-19 health crisis, you must get an appointment by internet or by calling 010.

The importance of using the right channels

Communicating this type of information to the City Council through the right channels is essential for guaranteeing efficiency and a proper response to citizens. These channels enable messages to be referred to the departments responsible and the swift activation of the services needed to resolve them, at the same time generating a reference code for each case. This in turn allows for a detailed follow-up to each enquiry, notification, complaint or suggestion, until it is resolved. This is not possible if the incident or complaint is communicated via other channels, such as municipal social media profiles.

Have you detected bad practice?

If you detect bad practice by Barcelona City Council and can provide evidence, the ethical and good governance mailbox guarantees confidentiality and anonymity. You can get your case looked into and prompt action to improve public sector integrity, check on communications using a secure channel and speak to the body which handles the mailbox, which operates independently.