Putting our green fingers to work

20/12/2021 - 15:17 h

The programme “Mans al verd” pursues a collaborative model whereby members of the public, organisations and companies get actively involved in looking after the city’s green spaces, such as allotments and tree beds. The initiative forms part of the Nature Plan 2021-2030, which seeks to boost greenery and biodiversity and drive projects in collaboration with citizens, organisations and companies in the city.

Using a collaborative management model, “Mans al verd” favours joint responsibility in the promotion and care of urban green spaces, offering specific proposals for all people and organisations in the city to play a key role.

“Mans al verd” forms part of the Nature Plan 2021-2030, the roadmap to guide the city’s green policies over the next ten years through three strategic areas:

  • Achieve more greenery and biodiversity
  • Conserve and improve greenery and biodiversity
  • Work on the city’s greenery, with and for citizens

Participatory management or urban greenery is adopted through various actions:

  • Granting the use of municipal spaces to citizens and organisations
  • Joint management of public spaces
  • Backing for green spaces on private property
  • Promotion of networking between various local stakeholders
  • Participation in activities and projects to look after greenery and biodiversity in the city
  • Training in gardening, biodiversity and agro-ecology

Projects under way include:

  • Barcelona’s network of allotments: aimed at the over-65s and based on organic agriculture principles.
  • The programme “Cuida l’escocell” to plant vegetation around the city’s unpaved tree beds.
  • The Laberint d’Horta Training Centre, which offers face-to-face and online training in gardening, agriculture and biodiversity.

Urban greenery is botanical diversity and constitutes support for animal biodiversity. City biodiversity brings social and environmental benefits which improve quality of life and well-being.

The municipal government is currently promoting a new culture of maintenance for greenery, backing sustainability and a reduction in the use of chemical treatments, the creation of allotments and garden elements on the city’s balconies and terraces. There is also support for urban agriculture projects to boost biodiversity and help improve the agro-food and consumption model.

More information on the “Mans al verd” website.