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New cycle of lectures for a fair ecological transition

03/06/2022 - 14:31 h

“Transitions: debates for a new economy” is a new international cycle of lectures reflecting on the need to adopt a new economic model which no longer pursues wealth at the expense of environmental limits and social justice, and to find solutions and move towards a fair and ecological transition.

The cycle gets under way with Kate Raworth, the creator of the doughnut economic theory. With a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economy from Oxford University, along with a master’s degree in Economy and Development, Raworth will be giving a lecture in the Parc de la Barceloneta on 11 June, at 11 am.

This first lecture is part of the festive event Mou-te pel Clima“, which is being held on the same Saturday to mark World Environment Day and World Oceans Day with a programme of family leisure activities, talks, screenings and a meal based on waste food. The goal is to introduce people to projects and programmes to promote sustainability culture in the city.

The cycle continues at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on 20 June, at 6 pm, with a lecture by Josep Maria Antó. The researcher has headed a strategy on planetary health for ISGlobal and the UPF since 2016, aiming for this new concept to be adopted internationally.

Professor Giorgos Kallis will be giving the third lecture, on the culture of limits, at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on 22 June, at 6 pm.

In the autumn, the figure behind the “global city” concept and winner of the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 2013, Saskia Sassen, will be giving a talk on cities and globalisation.