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Second stage of the work in Via Laietana under way with new disruptions

31/08/2023 - 07:51 h

The road will be closed to traffic heading in the direction of the mountains from Pl. Idrissa Diallo as from 2 September, allowing work to get under way in the lower section.

The transformation of the iconic Via Laietana continues with the final work from the first stage and the start of the second stage.

Disruptions as the first stage is completed

Over the weekend of 2 and 3 September, paving and surfacing work will be carried out to conclude the first stage of the revamp in the section between Pl. Urquinaona and Pl. Antoni Maura. This will mean disruptions to traffic.

Saturday, 2 September: entire length of Via Laietana closed to traffic heading towards the mountain. One lane heading in the other direction will be kept, as will access to reserved entrances, services and the Mercat de Santa Caterina (via Pl. Urquinaona, in the direction of the sea).

Sunday, 3 September: entire length of Via Laietana closed to traffic in both directions. Access will only be allowed to reserved entrances and emergency services from Pl. Urquinaona. Vehicles exiting towards Via Laietana from adjacent streets will be diverted in the direction of the sea.

Regarding public transport, the 47, V15 and V17 bus routes will be affected in both directions: the current diversion will apply to buses travelling towards the mountains, while those taking the street in the direction of the sea will be diverted into C/ Trafalgar, Rda. Sant Pere, Pg. Lluís Companys, Pg. Picasso and Av. Marquès de l’Argentera.

In addition, the 120 neighbourhood bus will change its route from 2 September and during work on the second stage, with no stops in Via Laietana in the direction of the mountains. The alternative route in this direction will use Av. Marquès l’Argentera, Pg. Picasso, Pg. Pujades and Pg. Lluís Companys, where the bus will turn to resume its usual route along C/ Comerç.

Start of the second stage

Work gets under way in the lower section of Via Laietana as from 2 September, in the section between Pl. Antoni Maura, Pl. Idrissa Diallo and the Post Office (Correus). Work on this second and final stage is expected to take 21 months, until June 2025.

The second stage starts with some preliminary tasks that need to be carried out at night. After that, work will focus on the improvement and renewal of the services and utilities network, a highly complex procedure given the large number of pipes and existing infrastructures below ground. The final step will be the reurbanisation process above ground.

This means Via Laietana will be closed to traffic travelling from Pl. Idrissa Diallo in the direction of the mountains as from Saturday, 2 September. Access to the market, car parks, reserved entrances and services will be from Pl. Urquinaona, in the direction of the sea.

As from Monday, 4 September, buses using Via Laietana will be affected by the same changes applied to date: services travelling in the direction of the mountains will continue to be diverted along Pg. Picasso and Pg. Lluís Companys, while vehicles travelling in the direction of the sea will be able to circulate normally.

The only exception is the 120 neighbourhood bus, which will not stop in Via Laietana in the direction of the mountains and see its route changed. The alternative route in this direction will use Av. Marquès l’Argentera, Pg. Picasso, Pg. Pujades and Pg. Lluís Companys, where the bus will turn to resume its usual route along C/ Comerç. Full information on bus-stops can be found on the TMB website.

The Mercat de Santa Caterina and the shops in and around Via Laietana will continue to operate as usual during the work, as will loading and unloading areas in adjacent streets.

For full information, go to the specific website on Via Laietana and the works information service.

A friendlier and more sustainable street

The goal of the transformation of Via Laietana is to gain an avenue where pedestrians and sustainable mobility take priority: a greener street with less noise and pollution, more space to walk in and to enjoy local commerce.

The second stage of work provides continuity to the project under way, reducing traffic lanes for private vehicles: heading downhill there will be a shared lane for buses and bicycles plus a traffic lane with a speed limit of 30 km/h, while heading uphill there will be a lane for buses, taxis and local residents, with a bike lane next to the pavement, separated from the traffic.

To achieve a friendlier street, the pavements will be widened to make them all broader than 4 metres, with pedestrian crossings also relocated to improve connections with the Gòtic and Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera neighbourhoods. There will also be four large spaces for people to spend time in along the length of the street: one connecting with the new C/ Jonqueres, a large Pl. Antoni Maura connecting the cathedral and the Mercat de Santa Caterina, Pl. Àngel and Pl. Idrissa Diallo.