New municipal executive structure defined

22/06/2023 - 14:20 h

The first Government Commission of the new term of office approved the new executive structure for the City Council. The new organisational structure strengthens areas such as urban services and the care of public space, generating a new manager’s office specifically to manage and coordinate all municipal services operating in public streets and squares.

The new structure also strengthens the economics and central services areas of the City Council, the goal being to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of internal management and guarantee the digital transition, to become a leader in the e-administration.

Municipal economic management will be conducted from a specific large area, which will also direct budgetary structure and economic promotion. Coexistence and respectful behaviour become part of the area for safety and security, while the urban planning area assumes control of urban strategy and housing policies. In addition, two management offices will boost policies linked to these sectors, through the sphere of social support.

The sphere of social services and care of people gets an executive manager’s office devoted to Culture, Education and Sport.

Executive organisational structure

Executive organisation will be headed by the new Municipal Manager, Albert Dalmau Miranda and include three large management areas:

  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Resources and Digital Transformation: Agustí Abelaira
    • Manager’s Office for People, Organisations and Electronic Administration: Javier Pascual
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Urban Planning and Housing: Joan Cambronero
    • Manager’s Office for Urban Planning: David Martínez
    • Chief Architect: Maria Buhigas
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Mobility, Infrastructures and Urban Services: Xavier Patón
    • Manager’s Office for Urban Services: Sònia Frias
    • Chief Engineer:  Oriol Altisench
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Social Rights, Health and Community: Marta Clari
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Culture, Education and Sport: Sara Jaurrieta
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Safety, Prevention and Coexistence: Maite Casado
  • Manager’s Office for the Area of Economy and Economic Promotion: Laia Claverol
    • Manager’s Office for Budgets and Tax: Antoni Fernández
    • Manager’s Office for Economic Promotion: Miquel Rodríguez

The territorial structure will be headed by the Manager for Territorial Coordination and Proximity, Gemma Arau, with the following district managers:

  • Ciutat Vella: Fèlix Ortega
  • L’Eixample: Anna Terra
  • Sants-Montjuïc: Ignasi Conesa
  • Les Corts: Yolanda Hernàndez
  • Sarrià-Sant Gervasi: Maite Català
  • Gràcia: Rufino Garcia
  • Horta-Guinardó: Mª Elena Amat
  • Nous Barris: Gabriel Duarte
  • Sant Andreu: Maria Gas
  • Sant Martí: Josep Garcia

As for municipal companies and institutions answering to the Municipal Manager’s Office, Marta Labata will head the Grup Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (BSM). The rest of the institutes and public companies will be organised as follows:

Area of Resources and Digital Transformation:

  • Municipal Institute of Information Technology: Paco Rodríguez
  • Informació i Comunicació de Barcelona (ICB): Sergi Vicente

Area of Urban Planning and Housing:

  • Barcelona Municipal Institute for Housing and Renovation: Gerard Capó
  • Municipal Institute for Urban Planning: David Martínez
  • Municipal Institute for Urban Landscape and Quality of Life: Maria Buhigas
  • Municipal Institute Fundació Mies Van der Rohe: Anna Ramos
  • Grup Barcelona Infraestructures (BIMSA): Ricard Font

Area of Mobility, Infrastructures and Urban Services

  • Municipal Institute for Parks and Gardens: Francesc Jiménez
  • Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua: Cristina Vila

Area of Social Rights, Health and Community

  • Municipal Institute for Social Services: Laia Claverol
  • Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities: Jordi Tudela

Area for Culture, Education and Sport

  • Barcelona Institute for Culture: Mònica Mateos
  • Barcelona Municipal Institute for Education: Jordi Sánchez
  • Barcelona Institute for Sport: Susana Closa

Area of Economy and Economic Promotion

  • Municipal Institute for Tax: Antoni Fernández
  • Barcelona Municipal Institute for Markets: Màxim López
  • Barcelona Activa: Félix Ortega
  • Foment de Ciutat: Anna Terra