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“Experience Montjuïc”: a weekend of culture and leisure on 16 and 17 October

31/08/2021 - 15:25 h

Twenty-two Montjuïc facilities will be offering cultural and leisure activities on the weekend of 16 and 17 October, both on their own and in collaboration, to invite city residents to rediscover the cultural potential of Barcelona’s iconic mountain.

The “Experience Montjuïc, the culture park “ programme’s activities include guided and dramatised itineraries with open days and guided tours of the facilities, participatory interventions and music, dance and theatre. In addition, there will be areas arranged for eating, drinking and resting.

The 22 facilities making up the cultural and leisure programme are as follows:

  • Anella Olímpica
  • CaixaForum
  • Casa de la Premsa
  • Montjuïc Castle
  • Cementiris de Barcelona
  • El Graner
  • Espai Bombers
  • Barcelona Olímpica Foundation
  • Joan Miró Foundation
  • Mies van der Rohe Foundation
  • Institut Botànic
  • Institut del Teatre
  • Jardí Botànic
  • Jardí Botànic Històric
  • Mercat de les Flors
  • Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya
  • Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món
  • Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
  • Muhba Refugi 307
  • Poble Espanyol
  • Teatre Lliure
  • Teatro de los Sentidos

Jointly organised by the Sants-Montjuïc district, the Barcelona Institute of Culture and the Department of Tourism and Creative Industries Creatives, the initiative is part of the Montjuïc Park Action Plan for 2019-2029, a municipal roadmap aimed at raising the profile of the cultural activity of the mountain’s environment and at establishing synergies between the facilities, with a view to reclaiming the spirit of Universal Exposition of 1929 https://bcnroc.ajuntament.barcelona.cat/jspui/handle/11703/115956.