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How do drought measures affect the city’s parks and gardens?

28/03/2023 - 12:32 h

The activation of the exceptional stage of the drought protocol in Barcelona affects the city’s parks and gardens in particular and will see watering activity reduced considerably. This could mean grass losing its colour but will not affect the survival of trees and plants. Tree beds and allotments in the city can still be watered using watering cans.

Green areas, meadows and annual plants

Watering with safe water is prohibited in gardens and green areas, whether public or private. This means grass in municipal parks and gardens will not be watered and that consequently, as the days go by without rain, grass may lose its colour and even become parched.

Trees and plants

The survival of trees and plants in the city’s parks and gardens is guaranteed, as subsistence-level watering is permitted from 8 pm to 8 am with drip systems. Plants and trees in municipal gardens are watered with drip systems at night.

The planting of bushes and trees in streets where work is being carried out is also guaranteed, as drip systems using groundwater are being added in these areas.

Tree beds and allotments

Tree beds and allotments can be watered, but only with a watering can and using as little water as possible. New sign-ups to the programme to look after tree beds are suspended for the time being.

These measures help achieve nearly a 50% saving in safe water used to water the city.